Findy Agency is a Hyperledger-Aries compatible identity agent service. It provides a web wallet for individuals and an API for organizations to utilize functionality related to verified data exchange: issuing, holding, verifying, and proving credentials.
Findy Agency operates using DIDComm messaging and Hyperledger Aries protocols. The supported verified credential format is Hyperledger Indy Anoncreds.
Single agency installation can serve multiple individuals and organisations.
Cloud Strategy
Credential data is stored securely in the cloud. Cloud agents do all the credentials-related hard work on behalf of the agency users.
Web Wallet
Individuals can use their device browser without the need to install a mobile application.
Modern API
Agency API is implemented on top of the gRPC framework. This technology ensures excellent performance with out-of-the-box support for a variety of languages.
Demo: Findy Bots
Example scenario implemented using Findy Agency.